Hamilton Heights Christian Academy (HHCA) has put the following policies in place to protect the safety of our students, faculty, and adult volunteers.

  • God’s promises are true: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10
  • Although vaccines are now available to some, we believe that we will be under these circumstances through the end of this school year.
  • There are HHCA families who want to have their child(ren) in school full time.
  • There are HHCA families who want an alternative to on-campus instruction for part or the entirety of this pandemic.
  • There may be changing guidance/requirements from health and government officials that will necessitate flexibility as our school switches between models of instructional delivery (on ground, hybrid, or remote).
  • No plan will satisfy all students, families, & staff.
  • All faculty and staff members and adult volunteers will become vaccinated.

Mitigation Strategies

Based on guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), U.S. Department of Education, the World Health Organization, State of Tennessee Department of Education, and the Hamilton County Department of Education, we presently believe that we can educate students on campus and face to face every day. This model includes the following measures to mitigate the risk from COVID-19.


August 9, 2022

Hamilton Heights Christian Academy (HHCA) has put the following policies in place to protect the safety of our students, faculty, and adult volunteers.

1. HHCA recognizes and respects that there are a wide variety of reasons individuals have chosen not to be vaccinated and the individual’s right to choose to be vaccinated or not.

2. HHCA recognizes and respects legitimate Religious and Health exemptions to vaccination as defined by the State of Tennessee.

3. National, State, and Municipal health officials have recommended Covid-19 vaccinations for most people over the age of 12.

4. Free Covid-19 vaccinations are available throughout the city. HHCA will assist any student, which needs help scheduling their Covid-19 vaccinations and or needs transportation to and from a vaccination center with the permission of their parent and or guardian.

5. ALL students (or their parents), faculty members, and adult volunteers will be required to sign a Covid-19 waiver, understanding the risks and indemnifying HHCA.

6. Most, if not all HHCA staff, faculty, and adult volunteers have been and will continue to be fully vaccinated. Scholarship students are required to become fully vaccinated. All students participating in competitive sports/athletics must be fully vaccinated.

7. Anyone that becomes infected with Covid-19 or acts as a carrier/transmitter poses a very real and serious threat to those around them and will negatively impact the school should they become sick and will need to be quarantined.

8. HHCA may continue to temperature test students and faculty with a touchless thermometer. Anyone running a fever will be sent home. Random temperature checks may occur for all who attend and or visit the school.

9. HHCA will continue its Covid-19 sanitation procedures.

10 Students, faculty, and adult volunteers that have not been fully vaccinated may be required to wear masks in classrooms, public spaces, hallways, etc., and maintain a social distance of three feet from others where possible.

11 Students, faculty, and adult volunteers must bring their own masks to the school and or event and activity locations.

12. When required, masks must be worn over the mouth and nose and be an approved medical and or surgical type mask without an exhaust valve.

13. Students, faculty, and adult volunteers that have not been fully vaccinated may be required to be Covid-19 tested 24-48 hours prior to attending school and or participating in events and activities. Any and all costs for testing will be the responsibility of the person being tested.

14. “Fully Vaccinated” means: Have had both Covid-19 shots at least 14-days before participating in events, activities, and or being in close proximity to others without a mask.

15. If you have been Covid-19 vaccinated, please bring your CDC vaccination card or proof of vaccination to the school so that a copy can be filed. International students should bring medical documents from their home country.

16. Having been diagnosed previously with Covid-19 does not exempt someone from the rules and procedures listed in this document.

17. HHCA reserves the right to change and or modify Covid-19 policies and procedures based on its interpretation of Health Department and or CDC recommendations.

Positive COVID-19 Case Procedures

1. Any faculty member or student that tests positive for COVID-19 must do the following:
a. Immediately inform the Leadership Team
b. Quarantine at home for 2 weeks from the day of a positive test result (online curriculum will be provided and these absences will be excused)

2. If a faculty member or student tests positive for COVD-19, Hamilton Heights will do the following:
a. Inform all parents and stakeholders of the positive case (identity of the case will be kept confidential)
b. School may be closed for 24 hours to thoroughly disinfect and clean all property
c. The leadership team reserves the right to make decisions regarding school closure based on the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases.
d. Hamilton Heights is not required to follow HCDE guidelines or closures based on COVID-19. Hamilton Heights is required to follow any state and/or government mandates regarding school closures, the use of masks, or other procedures regarding the spread of COVID-19.

Should you have any questions and or concerns about the policy and procedures above, please contact:


Rick Levin
President, Board of Directors
Hamilton Heights Christian Academy
Cell: 949-683-8866